Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sticking Together for a Common Cause (What’s the common cause again?)

"I never asked President Obama for his endorsement and what's going on here is really Washington insider politics at its worst," announced Rhode Island Democratic gubernatorial candidate Frank Caprio.  “I will wear it as a badge of honor and a badge of courage that he doesn't want to endorse me as a Democrat."

Wow.  Kind of brings up that old adage, with friends like these, who need enemies.  So what is it that is so different about Mr. Caprio that sets his agenda apart from Obama?

He must be against the idea of helping small businesses and creating jobs for the average American, right?

From his campaign web site:
"If we help every Rhode Island small business create just one job – just one – we will cut unemployment in half." - Frank Caprio

Okay, but maybe he doesn’t want to actually incentivize small business, right?

Again form his site:
"I will direct existing state tax credits to small businesses to help them grow." - Frank Caprio

Okay, enough with jobs and taxes.  Let’s switch to something that gets folks really riled up:  healthcare.  He must think that healthcare has been in good shape and that there hasn’t been any need for a fix there, right?

Web site:
“After payroll, healthcare is the second largest expense for an employer. 1 in 4 Rhode Islanders under the age of 65 does not have health insurance, and treating the uninsured costs Rhode Islanders $250 million per year. Rhode Island's small businesses and working families need an affordable solution to the rising cost of healthcare.”

Okay, I cry, “uncle”.  I give up.  Maybe this is just plain old political posturing?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Taxes. Taxes. Taxes. What to do about all these new Obama taxes?

Did you miss out on all the grass roots commentary at the North Mecklenburg Women’s recent Pig Pickin’ and Politickin’ event in Huntersville, NC?  (Yes, that’s what they call it.)  The New York Times reporter Michael Cooper joined in to get some feedback on their recent polling with CBS. 

The opinion of the attending GOP experts on the Big O Tax Hikes:  “Federal and state have both gone up,” said Bob Paratore of Charlotte, NC.

Here’s what Americans think according to the September New York Times/CBS News Poll:
24% think taxes went up
53% opined that taxes were the same
12% think Obama actually cut taxes (WHAT???)

Graphic credit to CBS

Cut to Huntersville:  “Tax cuts? Where were the tax cuts?” asked Bob Deaton.  Well, while difficult to pin down the exact amount, basically the dreaded stimulus bill changed the withholding rates resulting in tax cuts for about 95% of working families.  That income tax decrease was generally $800 annually for married couples and $400 for individuals.  Hmmm.  That just doesn't seem right:  imperial communist dictabor Obama cutting taxes??  I think the Dems need their own Karl Rove, because their Black & White sound bites aren't making it to the people...too much focus on the shades of gray.

All this talk about taxes is making me hungry.  Anyone up for a pulled pork sandwich?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

What Ever Happened To the Tea Party in Texas? Texans for the Establishment?

Out with the old; in with the new.  Isn’t that tea party mantra?  Bring us your tired (of deficits), your weary (of taxes), your witchy masses.  We will be sure they are elected – despite whether qualified in the understanding our basic Constitutional underpinnings (see my blog of October 21, 2010).  So it must be time for change, right?  Not in Texas.

Taking over the office of Governor in December 2000 following the departure of “W” for D.C., Rick Perry has the notable distinction of being Texas’ longest serving governor.  You do realize of course, that Perry runs on an anti-establishment platform…or shall I say anti-Washington.  Perry has essentially spent his career as a Texas politician.

So after almost ten years, how has the anti-government, career politician done with the Texas deficit? In 2001, Texas had about $13.5 billion in outstanding debt (about $16.5B in today’s dollars).  According to the Texas Bond Review Board, in August 2009, outstanding bonds and notes stood at $34.5 billion.  Ok, so I’m an architect, not a mathematician, but according to my calculations that’s roughly double.  DOUBLE the debt.  Sarah Palin, where are you when we need you most?!  (Oops, wrong call to make because anti-establishment, stop these liberals from running us into debt Palin stumped for…, you got it:  Rick Perry.)

So basically our (mostly GOP) tea partiers are all for change in government (except when they’re not).

Friday, October 22, 2010

Global Warming: Fact or Fiction. Judge for Yourself

“Climate change is real, and man is causing it.  That is indisputable.  And we have to do something about it.”  This from the incumbent Democrat, Representative Barton Hill, at a southern Indiana candidate forum in October.  But really, what is the basis for this grasping at straws and labeling climate change as a “real” issue?  Oh yeah, research by scores of international scientist who have spent years studying environmental change and its impact on the plant.  But, what do they know?

Let’s get Joe the Plumber's...  No, let’s make that Norman the Electrician’s opinion.  “It’s a flat-out lie…I read my Bible.  He made this Earth for us to utilize.”             

I can’t speak for you, but that really clears things up for me.  This is a sound and proven evaluation by electrician Norman Dennison, founder of the Corydon Tea Party in Indiana, an obvious biblical scholar and undisputed international climatologist.

But for you skeptics out there still clinging to the flimsy excuse of real science as a basis for making educated decisions, you should really consider the possibility that this could all just be a big conspiracy theory.  A plot by environmentalist bent on the ridiculous notion sustaining continued existence on planet Earth.  Ask yourself, “What would the average tea party American say?”

Lisa Deaton, founding member of tea party inspired We the People Indiana really clears it up for me once and for all.  “They’re trying to use global warming against the people…It takes away our liberty.”

Get the facts.  Judge for yourself.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Separation of Church and State is a Constitutional Thing? Seriously?

Get this.  On October 19, tea party sweetheart, Delaware Republican senatorial candidate Christine O’Donnell in her debate with Democratic opponent Chris Coons, showed not only her true colors, but also the brilliant intellectualism that is systemic of the tea party movement.

O’Donnell asks Coons, “Where in the Constitution is the separation of church and state?”  To his credit, Coons did not respond, “Uh-duh da, First Amendment, dipstick.”  With quick and clever wit, O’Donnell responds, “Let me clarify.  You’re telling me that separation of church and state is in the First Amendment?”

Coons responds, “Government shall make no establishment of religion.”  O’Donnell:  “That’s in the First Amendment?”

Seriously?  No, seriously?

Sometimes when I want to feel good about myself, like to think I’m creative and imaginative, I let me tell you that I can’t make this stuff up.  I guess this really is the tea party of change.